
Wednesday 30 March 2011

Fused Art Glass

Last week the Princess and I signed up for a fused glass art class. I have worked with glass in the past and was excited to be doing something creative with glass again. This was the first time Princess had experienced working with glass. Unfortunately Little Man was not able too participate due to being to young. However he still came with us and entertained himself with his DS game as well as played the garden of the artist studio. Considering this class was nearly 3 hours long I was amazed at how well Little Man entertained himself while we were busy in the class.

Ahead of time we were given instructions to bring a drawing or picture to work from. Princess got right to work and came up with five various drawings of dragons.

I on the other hand did not come prepared with art work and had to think of something to create while I was there:)

After a long and careful consideration Princess finally chose a dragon from which to work from. I think this was the hardest process for her.

She had to score her drawing onto a copper foil using a sharp awl.

Then she had to carefully cut out her shape

Once the basic shape was cut out in copper foil then other types of foil were used to embellish the art work. There were aluminum, bronze, and brass foil available to use.

Here Princess is using brass foil to cut out the dragon's wings!

While Princess was busy doing hers, I got to work trying to create something for myself.

So here are our before pictures:

Princess's Dragon

My very unimaginative flower. Best I could come up with at the time. Next time I should not procrastinate on the homework assignment:)!!

After we cut out all the pieces a second glass was added on top and the pieces were put into a kiln for firing. Drum roll please.....Results......

Princess's two-toned dragon; she is very pleased with it:)

My very weird looking flower. I like the before picture better:(

The artist explained that during the fusing process you can never really predict how the glass, air, heat and the various foils will interact with one another. So each design is one of a kind.

Here are some of the other creations before and after pictures.

This drawing was done by another of the mothers who had obviously done her homework

The before and after firing

I thought hers turned out very good, I am a bit jealous of it actually.

These were done by an 12 year old girl, pretty good!

Done by a 9 year old boy

Done by a 12 year girl, very cute

Lots of fun and an interesting form of art! Princess know just where to hang hers in her room. Mine will probably end up in a drawer somewhere:) Better luck next time!


  1. I've never heard of this art form before, but it looks like a lot of fun and a chance to be creative! I'll have to do some research to see if I can find a class like this locally :) Princess and you both did a wonderful job and you better not stick yours in a drawer! The colors of each design are so neat in the before and after photos! Thanks for sharing another fun adventure! Clicked a vote for you :)

  2. I also have never heard of this. What an awesome opertunity.. The art turned out awesome. You should be very proud at how creative your daughter!=)

  3. What a creative project. I enjoyed reading about it and loved the pictures. I am sure it was a wonderful learning experience for the children.
    Thanks for sharing! LeAnn

  4. How coincidental, I just signed Gohan up for Fused Glass for next school year's co-op. Also, my mother-in-law just did a glass work elder hostel and did a lot of fused glass. It was the first time that she worked with copper, which is what it looks like you used. I really like the look of the copper (or other metal that you used). My mother-in-law has done tons of glasswork and is getting to be really talented. She even does glass blowing, by herself (as in w/o the instructor being right there). Gohan did glassblowing once and it is pretty intense!

  5. Stopping in to say Happy Thursday and clicked a vote for you :)

  6. Wow! you always have the coolest field trips.

  7. Hi Anna-Marie,
    Happy Friday! I hope you get to join in on the Ultimate Blog Party :) Clicked a vote for you to tie us up again :)

  8. This is a great post Anna-Marie. I stopped by yesterday and forgot to comment. I like what you came up with at the last minute. You and your daughter are very talented.

  9. Love this! I've never heard of fused glass art! I think your flower turned out very well!

  10. Hi Anna-Marie,

    Thank you for linking up this week. Your art projects are amazing! I have never seen anything like this before. Fused glass. It is just beautiful. The dragon Princess made turned out great! I bet she was very proud of herself. I really liked your flower as well. I like that idea that each design is unique. Great job! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hi Tracy,
    Thanks for the votes, I think your ahead again;)!! I really enjoyed this class and Princess wants to try it again so we may go back, but I will be better prepared

  12. Hi Johnson Tribe
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting, my daughter loves dragons and call name them all:)

  13. HI Roger and LeAnn,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting I try to find interesting things for us all to do.

  14. HI Maureen,
    How neat that you just signed up for something like this:) Hope you post on it so we can see how it comes out. It was fun hope Gohan likes it as much as we did

  15. HI Zelda,
    Thanks for stopping by, we tried to get out at least once a week to do something with a home schooling group, but sometimes it is hard to decide want to choose:)

  16. Hi Lynda,
    YOu are too kind I just winged it, I came so not prepared but at least my daughter came prepared so I used it as a life lesson to show her. She loves that her piece is better than mine and that she came prepared and I didn't (and it shows):)

  17. HI Phrasejumper
    thanks for stopping by and commenting

  18. Hi Kimberly,
    I meant to link this up last week but got too busy. I am working with the kids on the next project I just love your link up idea:) I got to remember to put that in the post, IE YI YI

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