
Sunday 20 February 2011

The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award

I got another Blog Award!! Thank you Aubrie Anne at Who's your Editor for passing this lovely award on to me! Please take a peek at her blog it is a fun read!

This button is good enough to eat!!

So here are the rules: Share 4 guilty pleasures. Pass this award on to six amazingly sweet blogs.

So here are my 4 guilty pleasures:

1. Books, I can't pass up a bookstore and often come out with a lot less money than I went in with. I love to read and will read almost anything if it is not to technical in nature. The last few good books I have read are:
Heretic's Daughter
Andover's Wolves
Ice Dragon - My daughter recommended it:)
Candle in the Darkness
The Red Pyramid - another my daughter recommended:)
Raising the Spirited Child

2. I love HOT bubble baths in the winter. I miss my soaking tub, our bath tub in the UK just isn't as cozy as the one I had in the states.

3. I am addicted to diet coke and chocolate. Really I need a 12 step program for both!

4. Traveling, I love going somewhere new and and learning about a new place and the history that goes with a new country, or city.

Now on to the the blogs that I have chosen to pass this award on to in no particular order:

Be Our Best

Momma In The Middle

Happy Hearts Academy

Home Grown Learners

Homeschool Escapade

Live, Love, Educate

Have fun passing on the Blog Love!

Please join Tracy, Lynda and I at the NOBH for the entire month of February!
The blog with the most link ups for the month wins a blog award and a spot light of their blog!!


  1. Thank you for the award!! I will be sure to pass it along soon! We are on a trip to the beach this week, so it may be a few days! :-)

  2. Oh Wow! Thank you so much for the award!! I am so excited as it is my first one and I am very thankful. I will pass it on as soon as possible. I love your site and I have been loving all the science ideas you have for the planets. Thank you again for the thoughtfulness.


  3. Congrats Anna-Marie on your "delicious" award :) It looks like you passed it on to great blogs! I'm envious that you find/make time to read because I can't remember the last time I finished reading a book for fun! (Shame on me!)
    Clicked a vote for you for today! Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. Good morning! Stopping in to say Hi and clicked a vote! Have a happy Monday!

  5. Congratulations Anna-Marie! I am the same way about books. My son always moans when the car veers in the direction of my favorite second-hand book store. Even in the library there is a section of books they are getting rid of, I will spend hours browsing them. I love books!

    I was over here yesterday, but didn't leave a comment. I did vote then and now for you. Have a great week. =)

  6. Congrats on the award Mary and Kimberly I love reading your blogs:)

  7. Hi Tracy,
    I try to read a little every night before bed. It is my time to chill out and do something completely for me:) with interrupting children around.

  8. Hi Lynda,
    In England we have a large thrift store on the base and I am there every Thursday (when my daughter is in girl scouts) shopping for books:) My husband just shakes his head when I come in for another box of books. :) I can't control myself
