
Thursday 24 February 2011

Dragon Festival in Norwich

Saturday we went to Norwich, England for the Dragon Festival. This is a relatively new festival which only started in 2009. It was such a hit with the children that Norwich decided to do it every year. If you read my blog regularly you know my daughter is a huge fan of dragons and mythology so despite the rain we drove 90 minutes to see what it was all about.

During the 11th Century, Norwich was the 2nd largest city in England, so it has quite a bit history. It was once quite wealthy and prosperous. The short time we spent there I have to say I like what I saw. We are going to go back on a sunnier day and do some more exploring but back to the Dragon festival...

Most of the activities were in the Forum which is a large building housing the tourist information center and the library. First up was playing with Dragon snot.

Basically it was green colored cornstarch and water and something called "non-Newtonian fluids". Even Daddy had to try it. Kids loved it!

Pet a bearded Lizard -- called a Dragon today:)!

Play a game of "what do lizards eat?" and see a real "super worm" which was the lizard's dinner. That thing was huge and ugly:).

Okay these next few picture are a bit gory but they had make up artist there putting on dragon wounds on the arms of anyone who wanted it. My kids and husband took one look and walked quickly away. I don't foresee my children entering the medical profession in the future. Since I have worked in the hospital I found it fascinating

Creating a Dragon wound

First arm had a burn from the Dragons breath and the second arm was claw marks. Most of the people in this line were teenagers:).

We also visited the Dragon Art show, where local schools had children create various Dragon art. These were some of our favorite pieces.

Around town there were Dragon themes everywhere. Here is a mustard shop and it's mascot for the day was a Dragon! They were doing tasting of Dragon's mustard, which my husband had to try.

At the bookstore there was a artist and author giving demonstrations on drawing Dragons and reading Dragon stories.

And finally the Dragon parade!

We had a full and exhausting day. Even with the rain we had a great time. Kids have already requested going back next year. I have put it on the calendar:)


  1. My son is also a HUGE lover of dragons. He would have freaked out! Love it!

  2. This does look like a fun trip! Those dragon wounds are so realistic looking and yuck-o! The dragon art is quite impressive. My son is into dragons and would have loved to join in on the fun! Glad it wasn't pouring rain for you so you could still enjoy the festival! Clicked a vote for you!

  3. Thanks for following me! I like to respond on my followers actual blog, to share the comment luv!

    I posted about my taxes and then took my last years in to get a 'free look." We did not have to ammend anything (I used taxact that year) as it was only a $250 difference and the ammendment would have cost a $100+ or so dollars so we left it alone, so I guess the software and me were pretty right no for the taxes.

    I don't know why we got so much more back this yera, maybe the child tax credit is more this year, but unfortunaltey for me, I am sure I will be doing my taxes again on the computer next year. Oh well! this year was the hard one anyway with all our stinking forms. So I am sure your husband does fine, as long as he understans all the confusing questions!

  4. Definitely looks like a fun day!
    Janet W

  5. I love how your children and husband will stick their hands in just about anything, but the sight of a little blood has them running away. lol

    Have a wonderful Friday Anna-Marie. I voted for you.

  6. Hi Anna-Marie, my son would have LOVED the dragon festival. He also is a huge fan of mythology... I'll have to google it but I doubt it would be anywhere near the midwestern states! Those fake wounds looked very realistic.

  7. HI Melissa,
    Dragons are a bit thing in my house. we have all types.

  8. Hi Tracy
    I loved the Dragon wounds because I have never seen this type of make up done before but alot of the younger children, like mine, hate it and some were even crying:(

  9. Hi Tawana,
    Thanks for stopping by and good luck with your taxes

  10. Hi Janet,
    Thanks for stopping by it was a fun day:)

  11. Hi Lynda,
    Yes that is funny. No one around here can handle blood but me. I am the only one who doesn't freak out. They can't even watch medical shows with out getting all squirmy, including my husband.:)

  12. Hi Noreen,
    Not sure if they do it in the states but dragons are big in the UK because of the history and the story of St. George who supposedly killed the last European dragon:)

  13. That look like soooo much fun. Love that you got to hold the lizards and its food?!? I know a little girl who would have run away with that worm to save it :)

  14. Hi Zelda,
    Exactly what my daughter wanted to:) have fun at the viking festival:)

  15. What a fun festival! Those wounds are pretty nasty (but I hate to confess my film-making son would be intrigued!) I just finished the book How the Heather Looks by Joan Bodger which left me with serious envy of English living. I highly recommend the book!

  16. Oh Wow!! Those "dragon wounds" look so realistic. I can't believe it. It looks like you all had a great day. How exciting. I love the dragon art. So cool! Thanks for letting me know about the Elf- Help books, I checked them out at Catholic Company and they look great. Getting ready to order. Have a great day!

  17. Jill,
    I really enjoyed watching them work it was fascinating:)

  18. Hi Kimberly,
    Glad you liked the books I just discovered them in store in Norwich. I am trying to talk our library into buying a few so I don't have too.:)

  19. The Dragon Festival looks like it was so much fun! I think we would have steered clear of the dragon wounds too :) Unfortunately, it's probably too far away for us to plan to attend next year.
    Thanks for following us, and for putting our blog button on your sidebar! I hope you'll link up :)

  20. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to reading your guilty pleasures:)

  21. Fun!!!! I want to go next year, too! :) I love the dragon art, and the parade looks awesome! But I don't think I want a dragon wound--eew.

  22. My kids love dragons, and so do I! I'm totally jealous of this field trip! I think I'll show my 10-year-old some of those dragon crafts. He'll probably want to do them.

  23. Hi Sparklee,
    No one likes the Dragon wounds:)

  24. HI Susan,
    My daughter has been drawing Dragons all week:)

  25. Wow!!! Our town is soooo boring!!! I may have to borrow some of these ideas and turn it into a literary story week for our kids!!

  26. We are so lucky to live in Europe and we know it:)

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