
Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New year 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR -- Welcome year 2012!!!

My husband and I are not the partying type, never have been. In fact until 3 years ago we were most likely in bed asleep when the new year rang in. However, now that the children are older they are looking forward to the one night a year they can stay up to midnight. I can honestly say Mom and Dad, not so much, we want to sleep:)!

We have begun a small family tradition for ringing in the New Year that my children look forward too. One of the things we do is spend the last day of the year watching movies and eating snack trays. Yep, I don't cook a full meal at all that day! Kind of a strange tradition but since we never do this any other time of the year it has really been a hit for the children. I usually set out one or two trays at a time and when they are gone bring out the next one. Yes this does mean we are nibbling all day long!!! This year trays include but not put out in this order are:

Veggies and dip

Fruit tray

Crackers, cheese and deli meat

The last of the Christmas cookies

Home made bread rolls with butter
Deviled eggs

At 11:30 we turn on the telly and watch the New Year' Eve special to see the New Year ring in around the world, have a quick toast with the kids to ring in the New Year (with sparkling cider). This year I even bought those popper things for the kids to let loose at midnight. Then Mom and Dad are heading head straight to bed:). However, my kids plan to sleep in their sleeping bags next to the Christmas tree in the living room. For some reason they think this is the greatest part of the New Year!

That is how we ring in the New year, it isn't fancy, but my kids love it and look forward to it and that is what is most important!

Hope you and your family had a wonderful time ringing in the New Year!!!


  1. Mmmm...those trays look yummy! Great and fun traditions you have! Thanks for sharing! We spent New Years eve this year playing Wii games with two other families and ringing in the new year with sparkling cider for the kids and champagne for the adults :) Happy and Blessed new year Anna-Marie to you and your family! :)

  2. PS: Clicked my first vote for you on the Picket Fence for 2012 :)

  3. Your trays do look yummy! This is what my mom did for us too. She had to work most New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, but she always made the trays with one or two of my sisters before leaving for work.

    What great memories your children will have. Happy New Year, Anna-Marie!!!

  4. What a fun day!!! Lots of memories for you and the kids :)

    Have a wonderful 2012!!!

  5. Fun!!! We do something similar, well, with the food anyway. Isn't it fun eating off of trays? :)

  6. Keeping it simple - I love this tradition! I Love the spread!

  7. Love the all day snack tray idea, how fun! Stopping by from NOBH

  8. Two things come to mind after reading your post.
    1) I'm starving now!
    2) The most important part...there's nothing better than sleeping under the Christmas tree...:-)

  9. I think this is a great tradition for bringing in the new year! Happy New Year! Love, K

  10. Hey, the Adventurer! Thanks for commenting on my Bookmark Break Challenge. Are you interested in joining for 2012? I should have details up soon, probably tomorrow, but let me know at link below if you wanna join...

    Basically, you keep track of all the books you read in the year with a list on your blog. I'll keep track of everyone and we see who wins the most. Anyone that reads more than me gets their button on my sidebar for a who year and possibly more! I hope you'll join! Everyone who is interested is invited!

  11. I love that! We had a light snacky supper and then ate snacks and played telephone together around the table. We laughed so much!

    As for not liking exercise, any kind of active fun will get you closer to health. If you just set yourself a goal that will work for you, either about exercise or food, you're on your way to fitness.

    Blessings for the new year!

    Annie Kate

  12. I love it! Thank you for sharing your tradition.
