
Monday 3 January 2011

First Fieldtrip of the Year

Sunday Jan 2 we decided it was time to get out of the house. We have had a wonderful relaxing week between Christmas and New Year's but now cabin fever has set in and we needed a distraction. So we packed up the kids and headed into London to the Science museum. The kids and I are going to begin to study the Solar system this month and the museum had an space exhibit that I thought might get us ready to start thinking about the sky!

A model of the Hubble telescope

A model of the Moon lander used by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin

The kids trying their hands at using Astronauts gloves and completing puzzles. The kids thought it was very hard to do.

An astronaut on the moon exhibit

We also saw how astronauts sleep, go to the toilet, eat and live in the space shuttle. No one thought the food looked very appetizing.

There were also lots of exhibits on space pictures which the kids loved to look at as well as the history of space exploration. Not sure why I stop taking pictures, it was very crowded there.

After we explored this area we headed to the other floors and had a wonderful day. There were 5 floors to the museum I think we covered 3 before fatigue and hunger set in. We will be back to explore more of this wonderful museum.

I think we are ready to begin our studies on Monday:)

Don't forget to head over to No ordinary blog hop to link up your post for the month of January. The blogger with the most links ups this month will earn a blogger award. Click on button at top to take you there and find out the rules and how to link up:)


  1. WOW that is way too cool! Thanks for sharing. Glad you got out!

  2. What a great way to start a space study. It looks like there is a lot to see there. Thank you for linking up to the A Day In Our Life blog hop. Have a wonderful day Anna-Marie. I voted for you today.

  3. Awesome Anna-Marie! What a great museum and good pictures! We plan on going to a planetarium at the end of January for a homeschool field trip which my kids have never been to. Now I need to read some books on Astronomy for them! Clicked a vote for you! Thanks for another great post :)

  4. Thanks Melissa for commenting, it was a nice day out and everyone needed it:)

  5. Hi Lynda,
    I am working on having more feelings in my next post:) After all that I decided to start with a winter study first and next week tackle solar system...

  6. What a great trip! My classes have been begging for a field trip but we're nearing the end of semester and sometimes hindered by snow . . .

  7. Hi Tracy,
    A trip to the planetarium sounds like alot of fun. We are going to the Cambridge observatory this week to see what they have to offer. Need to find a planetarium near us:)

  8. Hi Renee Ann
    Fieldtrips are the best to keep students interested in topics but scheduling them in is always a challenge:)

  9. Hi Anna-Marie!
    Cambridge observatory sounds great too! Stopping in to say Hi! Clicked a vote for you too! Have a blessed day!

  10. Oh wow- my kids would LOVE that. How exciting.

  11. Too cool! That's one place I never went when I lived in London...

  12. What an awesome field trip!! Thanks for joining in the Hop!

  13. Museums are so much fun and even better when they fit right in with your lessons. We have the Franklin Institute across the bridge in Philadelphia, PA, USA plus a ton of other museums and it just never gets old.
    I've always said I would love to be locked in a museum overnight......

  14. Hi Anna-Marie. Thank you for tackling the spotlight post. It is really a great idea. We have been very busy around here with the new curriculum. Have a great day, and I voted for you. =)

  15. Hi Chic Homeschool Mama,
    thanks for stopping by and commenting

  16. Hi Susan,
    There are so many great museum in the UK. We only been too a few so far. I have many on my list to visit

  17. HI Joy,
    Thanks for stopping by and i love your hop:)

  18. Hi Dawn,
    My parents just retired in PA and they love it there. We love museums and visit as many as we can:)

  19. Hi Lynda,
    Working on the post right now. Hope you schools days start to go smoother:)
