
Friday 21 January 2011

A blog Award

I received a Versatile blog award from Life/In/Between/The/Lines Maureen posts about homeschooling, cooking and photography. Please stop by her wonderful blog and say Hi. It is always nice to be recognized as it means someone is actually reading what I write (besides my family) no matter how insignificant it might be. I started this blog as a journal for my homeschooling and traveling family and can't believe that I have over 160 followers. Thank you readers for following and commenting it really makes my day.

On to the "rules" of this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award

2. Answer 10 questions

3. Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy

4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award

The 10 Questions...

1. Why did you create this blog?
I started off reading other peoples homeschooling journey and found so many good sites and ideas that I wanted to join in. I first thought it would be a good way to better communicate my homeschooling adventure with my parents who live a way from us at this time. I also wanted to document all the amazing trips my family and I have been able to take while living in England. I never thought I would have so many followers and people reading my blog.

2. What kinds of blogs do you follow?
Mostly homeschooling and inspirational blogs. Homeschooling is different in the UK and I haven't found a real community near me but I have on line. Which is good

3. Favorite make-up brand?
I no longer wear makeup, but when I was a career person I wore Clinque mostly

4. Favorite clothing brand?
I don't really have a favorite brand. I don't worry about things like this, plus I find clothes shopping very burdensome.

5. Indispensable makeup product?
When I go out to dinner with my husband I will sometimes wear lipstick

6. Favorite color?
I love earth tones mostly green, burgandy and golden browns.

7. Favorite perfume?
Anais Anais is my favorite but I don't wear it very much, just for special occasions.

8. Favorite film?
This is a tough one. I haven't seen a movie
that isn't a kid themed one is ages. My husband and I tried to see the King's Speech last weekend (we had a baby sitter) but couldn't get tickets as it was sold out due to being opening weekend, which we didn't know. I still want to see it. Next time we will get advanced movie tickets.

9. What country would you like to visit and why?
I love to travel. Right now we are seeing as much of the European continent as we possible can. My dream trips would be to the Galapagos islands and going on an African picture safari.

10. Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?
Honestly I rather not put anything on.

And now to pass on the love by sharing this award with a few wonderful bloggers (in no particular order):

Susan's Homeschool Blog

Krazy Kuehner Days

A Slice of Smith Life

A Blackpurl's Knitpickings

My Heart's Desire


Our Worldwide Classroom


  1. Thank you so much!! I am truly humbled that you thought of me.

  2. Thank you so much!!! This was such a wonderful surprise this morning!

  3. Thank You Anna-Marie for this blog Award! What a nice surprise! Do I answer these 10 questions right? :)
    Thanks again!

  4. Anna-Marie you are too kind. Thank you very much for passing the award to my blog.

    Congratulations to you, Tracy, Alida, MommyKuehner, Susan, Sparklee, and Kylie. You are all great bloggers and deserve lots of awards.

    Oh and I voted for you today. =)

  5. Congrats ladies on your blog awards, I love them all:) enjoy passing them on to follow bloggers
