
Wednesday 8 December 2010

Web Frost

It is cold in England right now, very, very cold! This is our 3rd winter here and I have never seen it so cold. All over England and Scotland it is snowing and has been since the last week of November. Except here where we live, we have had only had a tiny bit of snow. We have had less than a quarter inch of snow last week but because of the cold it stayed on the ground all week until it rained this weekend.

This morning I woke up to this site while looking out my back door.

I thought these spider webs looked beautiful. I found them all along my garden fence. I had no idea we had this many spiders in our yard!
I feel the sudden urge to dust the fence!


Tracy, Lynda and I are GIVING JOY TO THE WORLD when one blogger will receive a $30 Target gift card from our "No Ordinary Blog Hop" giveaway! Just click on the button below for more details on how you can join this fun blog hop throughout December and try to win a Target gift card at the same time. Hurry! The last day to enter the giveaway is on Dec. 10th, but you can continue to link your blog hop posts until the end of December! HURRY only 2 more days to link up and win a $30 gift card.

I give JOY TO THE WORLD when I laugh out loud and enjoy the simple pleasures of the life!


  1. I have never seen a frost covered web before! Which is really weird given that we get plenty of frost and have plenty of spiders. I guess I need to start looking more. Yours look almost not real, they are so covered in ice (not implying that they aren't real, just that it is so amazing that they can look like that).

  2. That is amazing Anna-Marie! The photos are beautiful and I agree with Maureen that they don't look real. I've never seen this either. Thanks for sharing :) I'd say don't dust your fence until winter is over so you can continue enjoy God's beauty in the cold weather you are having!
    Have a blessed day and clicked a vote for you!

  3. HI Maureen
    I just loved these web each one is so different from the others. I tried to get a close up picture of the ice crystals but my camera wouldn't focus that close

  4. Hi Tracy,
    I haven't dusted but next time my kids complain about spiders in the back yard I will be a lot more understanding:)

  5. Wow--that is so cool and creepy at the same time! My kids loved the web photos and the lizard and snake pictures, too!

  6. Hi Sparklee,
    Thanks for commenting and stopping by. I thought they were really neat too.

  7. DARN!!!!!! I thought they were fake!!!!! Never seen that before!! Very pretty but then again come Spring my husband would be out with a sprayer getting those buggers gone! A spider is not my friend :)

  8. Hi Zoo,
    That is already on my husband's to do list for this spring and if he gives me any grief I will just pull out these photos to remind him just how many spiders we have in the back yard:)

  9. We've only seen this kind of frost here in England; never saw it back home in the States. It's sort of a "freezing fog" that makes everything look sort of like Narnia.

  10. Great pics!

    Hi there! I am your newest follower from the Wednesday blog hop~ I would love it if you stopped by and returned the love :)

  11. Hi Kelly
    thanks for following and commenting. I will follow back

  12. wow those webs are really amazing. i have never seen anything like it before.

  13. I was wondering why you had a Halloween post for CHRISTmas. lol Those webs are simply amazing. Thank you for sharing them, Anna-Marie. I voted for you.

  14. They are amazing Thank you I would love to see that just to put it on the kids nature blog. Very cool Thanks so much for sharing I have to have bug boy check these out tomorrow he is in bed now again very cool

  15. I'm you newest follower from the Wednesday blog hops! Come check out my blog at:

    Have a great day!

  16. HI Anna-Marie!
    I liked Lynda's comment about having a Halloween post for CHRISTmas :) Funny, lol :) Clicked a vote for you today. Have a great Thursday!

  17. Thanks Jennifer and Shanee for following and commenting. I will be checking out your blogs soon:)

  18. Hi Lynda and Tracy,
    I never thought about that. Could be a Halloween post:)LOL Thanks for voting

  19. Hi Adamant Academy
    Great idea to put in a nature blog. We only do ours in the summer may have to rethink and start one for winter:)

  20. natural art! I love the variety of web designs and it makes me wonder if they are all from the same kind of spider or different ones. They are more than likely helpful garden spiders so I would definitely leave the webs. :)

    Thanks so much for sharing your link.

  21. Hi Shelley
    Thanks for following and I am following back:)

  22. Hi Barb,
    Thanks for stopping by I thought you might appreciate these pictures. The spiders are safe for now:)

  23. WOW!! That is soo beautiful. I have seen dew on spiderwebs, but never frost. I can't wait to show the kids these pics.

    thanks for visiting our blog. I follow yours now too!
