
Tuesday 21 December 2010

Childrens Christmas Party

The American base had a Christmas celebration for the children and the kids had lots of fun!!!

Santa Claus arriving!

Decorating cookies

Painting ceramics

Making Snowman poo (a baggie with marshmallows and coconut) Little man got a big laugh out of that. Poo is big news in our house at the moment:)
He also made magic Reindeer food (oats with glitter) The children are going to spread this in the front yard on Christmas eve to feed the Reindeer and help them fly:)

I think the kids have seen at least 4 Santa Clauses this year. Last year we struggled to find one:)!! Since this Santa was on the American base there didn't seem to be a problem sitting on Santa's Lap:)!


  1. Aww how fun! I think my son has only seen 1 Santa and that was at our town's tree lighting ceremony. I am from the Hip Homeschool Hop and am following you now. If you'd like to stop by you can find me at Thanks!

  2. It looks like so much fun! I'm glad your children got to experience an "American" Christmas" on Santa's lap and all :) Your daughter looks so proud of her beautiful painted ceramic and should be :) Clicked a vote for you! :)

  3. Hi Mel,
    thanks for following and I will follow back soon:)

  4. Hi Tracy,
    We weren't able to go to this last year, I think we were traveling but it was a nice party for the kids. My daughter loves to paint ceramics:)

  5. Stopping by from the hop....I will be your newest follower. I quickly saw your post on the animal shelter. My girls would have loved that trip!

  6. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for following and I am following back:)

  7. My son and I love to paint ceramics. Not sure about the "Poo" though. lol I voted for you. Have a blessed day.

  8. Hi Lynda,
    My son is very much into bodily functions at the moment particularly the digestive system:) He just loves giving any one and everyone the run down on it in a loud voice in the most public of places. My husband is really embarrassed by it:)LOL

  9. Hi Anna-Marie,
    Stopping in to say Hi! Clicked a vote for you :) Poo is a popular topic with my children and my 6 year old loves to tell this joke that I think she made up: Why did Tigger look in the toilet?....drum roll please...."to find Pooh!" Pass that one on to your son, he might like it, but you might not want to encourage potty talk :) OK, have a great day!

  10. Hi Tracy,
    Your joke was a big hit:) He couldn't wait to tell Nana and Poppa the joke on the phone last night:) Tell your daughter it was a good Joke;)
