
Friday 12 November 2010

A favorite recipe

I am thankful for the food on our table and the knowledge we will not go hungry. I wish more people in the world were able to be thankful for this simple basic human need!

This recipe can be either a side dish or a main meal and is super easy to make

You will need if making it for a main meal serving a family of 4:

1- 2 pound skinless boneless chicken breast
2 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of crushed garlic
2 cups of fresh green beans
10 to 12 small potatoes cut in half (like red miniatures can also use miniature white potatoes)
1/2 cup of crumbled feta cheese
1 chopped fresh tomato
salt and pepper to taste

Place chicken in a baking dish. Mix lemon juice, olive oil and garlic in a bowl, mix and pour over chicken. Bake at 350 degree until done. While chicken is cooking. Steam green beans until done. Steam or boil potatoes until done (do not remove skin). If timed right everything will be done about the same time:)
Chopped up tomato into medium size cubes

Once chicken is done quickly cut up into cube size peices. Add chicken to a large bowl. Next add cooked green beans, potatoes, tomatoes and Feta cheese. Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over everything and mix. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately with French Bread

IT taste better than it looks in this picture, I promise. I should have taken a picture on the plate with the bread and made it all fancy looking like they do in the cookbook but well my family were standing over me at the time because they were starving!!! and I got distracted which is typical for me:(.

Slight variation will make this meal into a side dish which is great with Bar-b-que chicken, steak or pork chops or any other meat you wish

Small white or red potatoes (cut in half)
fresh green beans
scallions cut up
olive oil
salt and pepper

Steam or boil potatoes. Steam green beans. Once done add to bowl. Then add scallions. Add 1 - 2 teaspoons of Olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately with your choice of meat.



  1. Wow! That sounds good. I'm going to pass this on to my wife :-)


  2. Hi Ron,
    Let me know if you liked it. It is one of our favorite fast dinners. Maybe you could make it for your wife:)
    Thanks for stopping by

  3. Mmmmm...I love some easy and yummy recipes and this one looks like a great one! I'll have to try it sometime and let you know what my taste testers think :)
    Clicked votes for you today!
    Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Hi Anna-Marie!
    Just saying Hi and clicked a vote for you today, (Saturday).
    Have a good day!

  5. Hi Tracy, if you try it let me know what your family thinks we are trying to do more low cal recipes around here. This one was a keeper with 3 out of 4 family members. The picky eater of the house is still deciding:)

  6. Great recipe that I believe even my diabetic mother can try. Thank you for sharing this. Have a great day, Anna-Marie. I voted for you

  7. Thanks for the comment. What part of St. Louis are you going to? We're in Alton, IL now, but I grew up in Brentwood.
    Janet W

  8. I used to live in Eureka near six flags. Been to Alton to see the Eagles:)

  9. I voted on that button for you hope u win!!! And I already follow u too!!!
