
Saturday 11 September 2010

Hirsau Monastery - Germany

We went to Hirsau Monastery in Calw, Germany. My husband and I love to visit old medieval churches because admire the architecture, the stained glass and sculptures/painting. It is something we share with our children. My husband is fascinated with the medieval period of history and we try to visit anything that is in that period. We were again so fortunate as while we were visiting a medieval fair was in the old ruin courtyard of the church. Can't tell you much about the ruins as everything was in German:)

I love this picture because it has the old ruins of the church with the medieval fair inside the courtyard, it makes me think this is how it might of been in those times. Minus the modern dressed people:)

We saw some stone craftsman. One was sculpting a stone into a Gargoyle. The other two men where breaking a huge boulder in two. It was fascinating to watch as it was done as it would have been done in those times.

There were even stones for the children to practice on. My two were amazed at how heavy the hammers were making them realize that is was hard work and not easy for the work men.

We were able to watch and listen the music of their period.

Wood cutters, My husband and I couldn't help but point out that it was a child underneath helping his father. I think that point was not well received:)

Next we found a German puppet show. Although we know not a word of German the kids wanted to sit down and watch and even picked up the story line because the actor was so animated.

According to my daughter anything with Dragons is cool even if you can't understand what is being said!

Sword fight demonstration

Super cute baby in full costume. The parents let me photograph as I asked (by pointing to my camera and then at their baby). They were very kind, but the baby would not let go of the sippy cup or his binky which was fine be me.


  1. Wonderful pictures! It looks like you had a great time. Thank you for visiting my blog this morning.

  2. Now that's what I call a field trip! What a great opportunity. Loved the pictures!

  3. Thanks Lynda and Tonia for stopping by. We had such a good holiday.

  4. Hi Anna-Marie!
    Another great post and fun pictures! This trip looks amazing and your family is blessed to experience this real "classroom" :)
    I clicked a vote for you today! Thanks for stopping by my LEGO link post :)

  5. Thanks for visiting and following Homles family
