
Wednesday 15 September 2010


I have been honored with a Blog award and so excited as it is my first one! I have met a wonderful person, Tracy at A Slice of Smith life. She has been so supportive and encouraging as I begin my adventures in the blogging world. As I still consider myself a newbie with this new medium I was surprise and delighted that someone thought enough of all my hard work to acknowledge me. I have met so many wonderful people thru the virtual world and the support for homeschooling is amazing. I love meeting people and sharing ideas, resources and encouragement to others.

Please take the time to visit Tracy at "A Slice of Smith life" she will follow you back and she shares lots of encouragement and support. Thanks Tracy for giving me this award. I hope I continue to live up to it!

So here are the rules for accepting this award...

1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.

3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.

So I am passing on this award to the following great blogs: (in no particular order)

1. Adventures of a somewhat crunchy Mama

2. Handbook of Nature Study

3. Sprittibee

4. Adventures in Mommydom

5. To Busy to be at Home

6. Homeschool Mo

7. Weird Unsocialized Homeschooler

8. Homeschool Highway

9. Freely Educate

10. Finding the Fantastic in Everything

11. Homeschool Creations

12. Harmony Art Mom

13. Adventures of Arbor Creek

14. Sizzle Bop

15. Along the way

As it took me a while to figure out how to add links and post a blog button, I told you I was still a newbie. And while trying to figure out how to post links and buttons, two more wonderful people nominated me for this wonderful award. I can't tell you how surprised and blessed I feel. Pam from Wildflower Paths and Tiffany from Sweet phenomena also gave me this award. Please check out their blogs. They have lots of great stuff to share:)

Thank you ladies for acknowledging my new blog, I still have lots to learn and this has given me quite a boost in confidence that I can blog successfully.


  1. Oh trust me, you are doing fine! I felt so overwhelmed responding to the award, but so excited to get it! I still have so much to learn! My links work, but are not as neat as yours. I will learn how to do that someday! Congratulations!

  2. Hi Anna-Marie! Your first blog award post looks great! Way to go :) Congrats on your award. It was alot of fun to pass it on to you. I'll have to check on the other blogs you linked to :)
    Clicked a vote for you today!
    I also got your email and will respond to it soon!
    Tracy at A Slice of Smith Life

  3. Thanks Pam, I did feel overwhelmed and very excited, if Tracy hadn't help me with the links I still wouldn't have gotten this post up:) Congrats on your award and thank you for honoring me with the award as well.

  4. Thanks Tracy, I am still trying to figure out why the links are lighter in color the the other wording and why a few are even darker. I can link up to everyone can you? Let me know if you have trouble so I can figure out what I did.

  5. Congratulations, Anna-Marie! I was thrilled to see your blog on the list with mine. (Thank You, Tracy!) I also was bummed because I wanted to nominate you. :) You really deserve this award.

  6. OH Thank you Lynda, I felt the same about you I wasn't sure if duplicates were allowed:)

  7. Yikes 3 of my links are not working properly, I am so sorry ladies. Here are the corrected links
    Pam at
    Homeschool MO at
    and Weird Unsocialized Homeschooler at

    So sorry to have messed up with your links. Congrats to really deserve the award

  8. Thanks for the honor! And,congrats on your first blog award.

  9. Congrats on your first blog award ~ and thanks so much for passing it along.

  10. Thanks Kris and Jolanthe for stopping by. I was honor to pass the award on you two as your blogs are great!!!

  11. Thanks so much for this award!

    And congratulations on your first blog award, that's always the one you remember most.

  12. Thank you so much for honoring me with this award! That was so thoughtful! Congratulations on your award~ your blog is truly beautiful, as well!

  13. Thank you for the award today! It made me day!

    Congrats on your blog and the award.

  14. Thanks Ticia, Robin, Barb, it has been fun passing on the award.

  15. Hi Anna-Marie!
    You can go back into this award post in blogger and paste and copy the correct links that you listed here in comments. You can always go back and edit posts once you have them published. I'm not sure you are aware of this.
    I have gone back in to my published post lots of times, especially if I forget something or want to delete something. After I edit it I just click the "Publish Post" again and the post will still be on the same day, but with your corrections.
    Congrats again on your lovely award and sharing it with others! Have a good weekend!

  16. Oops! I meant you can go back and COPY and PASTE the correct links!

  17. Thank you so much for the award! Congratulations on receiving your first award! Loving your blog!!

  18. Glad to pass on the award to you Cindy.

  19. Hi Tracy,
    Super busy week this week. Now that you mention it I did know that:) Going in to fix it right now. Hoping things slow down this weekend as I need a breather. Sending you an email soon:)

  20. Congratulations on your award, Anna-Marie! And thanks so much for sharing it. I'm honored :)

  21. Thanks for the award and congrats to you!

  22. Your welcome Maureen it has been fun passing it on:)

  23. Well, now I feel like a total blonde. I just came here to tell you that you got an award. I must have missed this post earlier; I didn't realize that you just got the same award a few days ago.

  24. Hey there, so sweet of you to think of me when passing on the award:) I was so surprised to receive it the first time and have since been selected 3 more times:) It is great people like what I am posting but like you and I am doing this not to gain awards but to share information and met other like minded homeschoolers:) I have met a lot of great bloggers out there!!! So Thank you again!
