
Tuesday 21 September 2010

Autumn is my favorite season

I love Autumn. I love the crisp air, the changing colors, visiting pumpkin farms, apple picking, and the Autumn decorations. They are so much more understated than Halloween and Christmas. The weather in England goes so quickly from late summer to late fall that there is really no chance to enjoy the season. Decorating for Autumn in just not done here, Halloween is not heavily celebrated (big disappointment for my six and eight year old) and to my knowledge there isn't a pumpkin patch anywhere near where we live. :(

So when we decided to go back to the states we considered two things, when would the US children be in school, :) and what season did we want to see. Autumn won hands down. I even made sure the children would be able to stay and go trick or treating at their Grandparents' house and we will buy their costumes stateside as the variety here was sparse, even on the military base. Saying all that, we love living in England, we just miss the Autumn :).

When visiting Germany a couple of weeks ago we visited a lovely palace and the gardens were all deck out for Autumn. I loved it and I just had to share and it made me happy and excited to go home.

Looking down the hill from the palace. The entire garden was decorated with pumpkins and various colored squash. This year was a ocean theme. It was just beautiful!

Can you tell what sea creatures these are?

A turtle and a man surfing on a wave.

Pirate island and a man fishing.

Me just trying to be creative with my photography:)


  1. Now that is really awesome and creative! I've never seen anything like it. Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures :) I hope you are having a great day! Clicked a vote for you!

    That is really amazing. I'm going to show my children these photos. I've never seen anything like that!
    -jeannine: waddlee-ah-chaa

    stopping in from hip homeschool hop.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and commenting:)

  4. Wonderful pictures! My son said they were "amazing." I clicked a vote for you.

  5. Thanks Lynda I just love Autumn decorations

  6. Hi again!
    I just showed my kids and their friend your pumpkin pictures and they loved them! They were saying "Wow, that's so cool!" My son thought the pirate looked "creepy" and he said it "looked like a dead person or something" :)
    Thanks again for sharing since we haven't seen anything like it before! Can we go on your field trips with you? They look like so much fun, despite the long drives you have to make :)
    Have a good day!

  7. Just took another look at the pirate:) I think he is holding a telescope so his face was obscure. But to a kid I guess it could look creepy. But in person it was all really fun and nice, rest assured:)

    I am glad they like it so much. I still like looking at the photos myself

  8. oh OK, that makes sense :) My son's comment was cute so I thought I'd share it with you :)
    Check my WW post tomorrow, 9/22/10 because I linked back to this cool post of yours to let others see the amazing photos!
    My kids did enjoy the Fall artwork! What a fun garden to tour!

  9. Very neat pictures! Fall is my favorite time as well (except for the allergies). I am now following your blog and look forward to reading more posts.

  10. Thanks Sherry for stopping by and commenting

  11. Thanks Denise for following and commenting. It is always nice to have people like what I post:) I will be checking out your blog as soon as I can.

  12. I love autumn, too, although here in the Rockies we never know how much autumn we're going to get before it's suddenly winter. One thing we can count on: gorgeous weather the day BEFORE Halloween, but freezing ON Halloween.

    The pumpkin art is amazing--can't wait to show my kids the photos!

  13. Hi Sparklee
    thanks for stopping by and commenting and following:) England has very short Autumn seasons. I haven't made it to the Rookies yet but it is on my list of places to visit.
