
Saturday 21 August 2010

Fairy and Pixie Day at Wicken Fen

At least once a week I try to have a field trip scheduled. Sometimes it relates to what we are studying and sometimes it doesn't. This week the kids and I went to Wicken Fen a Nature Reserve Park not too far away. It is summer break for children here in England so many of the nature reserves have a kid day planned. We have been to several and they are always a hit with the kids. My daughter wants to do a lap book on Mystical creatures beginning next week so this was to get our juices flowing for what is coming up next week in school.

First up was a Fairy hunt through the grass land. We found 10 out of the 20 Fairies in the time allotted. It was much harder than it looked. While looking for Fairies we also found lady birds (ladybugs), crickets, damsel flies and dragonflies which we had to observe:).

While looking for Fairies we found a Troll house. Luckily the Troll was not home:)

Next we went to an old cottage where there was a woman dressed up as a fairy who told fairy stories to the children. I wasn't able to get pictures of this as it was too dark and I was asked not to:)

Finally we went to the art and craft den where the kids made clothes peg fairies or pixies, magic wands and clay fairy pots. Lots of glitter was used:)

The kids had fun and it was a nice day. The only school the children did for the day was write in their fieldwork journals of what they liked about their day at the reserve.


  1. Hi Anna-Maria!
    I saw your post on the Workbox group and thought I would check out your blog again. I love the new background with the books. I believe your original background was the sky/grass scene? Don't ask how I knew that :)
    Anyone, your blog and pictures look great and what a fun nature field trip :)
    I clicked a vote for you on the picket fence button too :)
    Hope you are having a good weekend!

  2. That looks like so much fun, and it looks like your kids had a great time. Thank you for visiting my blog, and leaving the wonderful comments. I voted on your picket fence, and was excited to see your link for your blog post in workbox group. We have not started school yet, but you have given me some ideas for the first week. Thanks!

  3. Looks like so much fun! Thanks for stopping by and linking up today! I'm following you! :)


  4. Wow Tracey what good memory you have! I am reading those books my husband bought me and putting them to good use. I vote for you on picket fences whenever I am on your blog reading your updates. Thanks for voting for me:)

  5. Thanks Lynda for stopping by and leaving a comment. It is nice to know someone is reading what I write:) Will vote for you on picket fences:)

  6. Thanks Kim for joining. I am looking forward to joining more of your blog hops:)
