
Friday 23 July 2010


Finally our sunflowers have bloomed. At least 2 of them have. The kids and I received the seeds in a package from my mother in April. We planted them and kept a journal on their growing progress. It is now July and 2 of the flowers have bloomed. We are still waiting for the third flower to bloom. Although we planted 8 seeds only these 3 have made it to the flowering stage. Our neighbors get the full benefits of the bloom as the flowers seem to turn towards their yard due to the sun. Today we measured the tallest sunflower and it is now 78 inches tall. Aren't they pretty!


  1. Hi! I found you on the workboxes group. Wanted to tell you I think your blog is awesome! It's really coming along nicely. I love your sunflowers! Been wanting to grow them for the longest time. I think I'll just have to make it a homeschool project. :)

    I'm now your newest follower. I'd be honored if you'd come by and follow me too.
    Lisa xoxo

  2. I did sign up for your blog Lisa, thanks for the nice comments.
