
Sunday 18 July 2010

Starting my new adventure

Today, I am starting a new adventure...Blogging. Never done it before so here is hoping I can figure it out. There are several reasons why I decided to start a blog and they are...
1. Keep in touch with my family and let them know how we are doing (this is very important as we now live across the Atlantic from them)
2. To learn how to use the computer...yep I am a novice at this. It is a joke in this house that I just have to look at the computer and it will malfunction. In fact, in just starting this journey I have created 2 blogs when I only want husband will have to help me delete the "extra blog" :0
3. To document my family's traveling adventures, since we now live overseas we are doing lots of traveling to new, interesting, and exciting places.
4. To document our home schooling journey. We started homeschooling just over a year ago and it is going so well that I thought I could share some of our successes and what we have learned along the way.

So today is the first step and I am proud to say I set this up all on my own and typed in my first post, with only one slight glitch (remember the extra blog). My adventure begins...


  1. Congratulations! Look forward to reading it.

  2. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to following your adventures.
