
Wednesday 28 July 2010

Befriend Your Librarian

It has been a busy couple of days, completing a week of school in only 3 and half days as we are heading out on holiday tomorrow for about 10 days. I can't wait to head out on the road tomorrow as we all need a break from school and are ready to travel somewhere new and exciting. I will post pictures of our trip when we get home and let you know what adventures we had!

In order to get ready for our trip, I had a few errands to run today and one of those stops was to our local base library. I couldn't have pick a better day as today they were cleaning out and getting ready to throw away BOOKS! As my husband can attest I find that horrible:) I have yet to give away my children's baby books as I can't relinquish them as each time I try the book will bring back a memory that makes it impossible to give away. Such as the first book I receive as a gift while pregnant with my first child (Pat the Bunny), the book my daughter made me read a millions times (My first A book), the first book my son read independently (Quack Quack)...the list goes on and on. Hence the reason I have 6 bookcases filled with books. I am proud to say my love of books have been passed on to my children as every once in a while I might mention thinning out their bookcases (each has one in their rooms) and move their books to the bookcases in the hallway when my son or daughter will scream in protest that they are still reading that book!:) Fortunately my husband is patient although he does threaten to go thru the books one day when we are all out of the house...but I think he is just kidding...I hope!

Anyway I digress. Stopping in the library to return some books and pick up books that we had requested I came across the librarian getting ready to toss some old books. The minute he saw me he said I should have a look through. I Couldn't believe my luck! I scored over 2 dozen free books. All were in great condition. Although several will need to wait until my children are older there are several classic retold books like Huck Finn, King Arthur, Heidi, Swiss Family Robinson, Alice in Wonderland. Several were Newberry award winners such as The Midwif'e Apprentice, Bridge to Terabithia, Elijah of Buxton and Crispin the Cross of Lead. I was so excited and thrilled with my book finds and I was in cloud nine.

But that wasn't the end of my fabulous library visit. Paul the Librarian asked to speak with me after I loaded up on books. He had noticed that I had been requesting books recently on worms. Our current science unit study. Well guess what! Paul the librarian keeps a wormery and compost container at his home and he offered up a free fieldtrip to his home to see his worms!!! I quickly accepted and have schedule a trip after we get back from holiday. Although we have a mini worm nursery at home seeing Paul's larger version should really bring home the message of the importance of worms.

My whole point is Befriend your Librarian as they can be a valuable resource in so many ways especially if they know you homeschool!!!

Lastly, when I return home there was a care package from my parents for the kids. They send one every month or two and inside was this comic strip, with a note attached saying this is how they imagine home schooling to be. It made me laugh as it is pretty much true in my house!
(Click on the picture and it should enlarge)


  1. That comic is so on the mark about homeschooling. lol

    Unfortunately, I have not had very good luck with most of the librarian from our local library. Perhaps I will need to try again.

  2. We love the comic strip too. Every time my husband reads it he laughs. I have it posted in our school room. Too bad about your librarian, so far the ones at the local base have been fantastic for us. We will be here another year or two don't know what the next one will be like.
