
Friday 23 July 2021

Couples Get Away

My husband loves New Mexico and dreams of retiring there one day.  So we decided to explore more of New Mexico and Colorado.  Here are a few pictures of some of the things we did and saw.  

We took a 3 hour raft ride down the Rio Grand.  It was beautiful!

We had an Indian guide that sang Indian songs about nature with his drum 

There were a few small rapids but mostly it was just a relaxing ride thru the canyon
After the raft ride we were treated to a traditional Indian meal.  It was delicious.

Along our various drives around the state we saw lots of wildlife --  this was Elk
Long horn cattle drive ..... 

With a real cowboy ;). 

We saw the great Sand dunes National park.  It was an incredibly hot day and we tried to hike to the sand dunes from the parking lot and we got about half way before giving up due to the heat.  But we did see people sand surfing down the dunes.  

there is a very small stream about a mile from the dunes that you have to cross from the parking lot.  We were told in the spring it is a raging river and people come from all over to play in it.  
We took a 6 hours steam train through he mountains crossing New Mexico and Colorado 11 times.  

The train was being follow by two fire spotter cars.  to make sure the steam engine did not any fires along the ride.   the scenery was amazing
We stopped and had lunch and learned how the track was built and lots of information.

Much was pretty good.  

We spurge and got first class tickets and a no children allowed car.  It was really nice and still have many of the old train features on it. 
We visited a Salt Mine in Kansas which was very interesting.  This mine still operates and mines road salt.  We took two different train rides in the mine to see different parts of the mines. 

There was rope on the ground because they were getting ready for a underground 5 K run! 

This mine also stores movie props, medical records and ever government records in the mine.  We were only allowed to see the movie stuff 

On our train ride we were able to take home salt crystals, which I now have in a glass bowl in the school room 

We also visited a hot springs.  It had over 20 different spring tubs ranging in temperatures from 980 degrees to 115 degrees.  We spent the whole day there just moving from one hot springs to the next.  I loved the hotter springs, while my husband preferred the warmer ones.

The resort was also next to a river which was ice cold and many people would go from a hot spring to the cold river.  

That is just a few of the wonderful things we did.  We had an amazing trip and as usual came home exhausted.