
Friday 31 January 2020

Weekly Wrap UP 1/31/2020 -- Mid term assessment

At about 100 days of school I like to do a assessment of where we are and if we are ahead or behind in any topic so I can make any needed adjustments.

MarioFan is in 10th grade

Literature and Comp
We are working with American Literature and Composition with Lightening Literature and have just begun reading Uncle Tom's Cabin.  We are also working on Daily Grams and Fix It book 3 for grammar.  For vocabulary we are using Worldly Wise book 10.  -- On target for Literature and Comp but behind on grammar and vocabulary

Teaching Textbooks -- On target

US History
Crash Course curriculum and other resources as needed.  We are currently reading about the events that lead to up Civil War.   I had hope to be done with the Civil War by now. -- Behind 

Biology 2
Using EO Wilson biology of Life books from Apple iBooks.  Currently finishing up book 5 --  On target

42 Electronics
We just started book C -- On target

Music Appreciation/History
We finished watching the series from great courses Foundation in Music and have now begun watching Music history video series.  We have also gone to several musical performances last semester and have several more on the table for this semester  -- On target

Spanish 2
Taken at co-op and also has an online tutor 2X a week.  Earned an A last semester -- On target

Piano/music theory
Has a piano teacher weekly and is register to participate in a Sonatina festival and the Mid Atlantic Music Festival soon.  -- On target

Kung Fu
taken at co-op weekly.  Still not his favorite class but it gets him is PE credit:) -- On target

Dungeons and Dragons club -- Just for FUN
participated monthly at the library with a friend

Sex Education class -- Participated in a 6 week class with Planned Parenthood on relationships, consent and sex education

Firedrake is in 12th grade

She is pretty much independent this year.  She completed two dual enrollment classes at the Local Community college.  Last semester she took the following classes

Writing composition class -- she earned an A

Pre-college Algebra -- she earned a B

For the second semester which started this week Firedrake is taking

College Algebra

In addition to her college classes she is doing the following

Piano/music theory -- with a piano tutor also signed up for Sonatina festival and Mid Atlantic Music festival -- On target  

Japanese  II -- has a tutor weekly -- On target

Job -- She is working 10-15 hours per week to save up for college 

Dungeons and Dragons -- participates weekly with an online group just for FUN

Firedrake has also been working on finalizing her  college plans and dorm arrangements for attendance to university in the fall.

So that is our Mid Term accomplishments and as you can see we are a bit behind in a few areas, but I think we can catch up.  If not there is always the summer months:) 

Friday 24 January 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 1/24/2020-- Happy 18th Birthday!!!

Oh my goodness, our first born is now an ADULT!!  So exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time.  Firedrake has really come a long way these last few years and showing a softer and more mature side.  There were definitely times we weren't sure she would get there.  I can't believe that in 8 short months she will be moving away and living at college.  My husband and I are so excited for her but also know we will both be crying when we drive off and leave her behind at college.

I am posting one picture per year of her life below:)  It was so a joy to go thru the photos but so hard to pick just one for a specific year and post.

Firedrake was born Jan 22, she was 3 weeks late and spent the first three days of her life in the NICU as she had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck twice and had swallowed some meconium in the womb.  It was a scary few days after her birth.

Daddy and Grandpa went straight to work turning her into a Cardinals fans, unfortunately for them she is not a baseball fan but they seriously tried
Firedrake became a big sister at 2 1/2!!!

She always had a love for being read too and then reading for herself.   I remember reading and rereading books for hours on end with her. 

She was always active and loved being outdoors playing
She loved unicorns and all creatures of mythology.

She loved the water and began swim lesson very early.

We moved to the UK and she started riding lessons and homeschooling full time
going on a field trip at a local pizzeria with a UK home education group

We traveled around Europe and had many amazing adventures.  Here she is sharing an experience with a flat Stanley pal from the states.

We went to Tanzania for a safari--an amazing experience where we saw the big 5 in a simple 3 week trip

Participating in Viking re-enactment with her Dad

We returned to the US and she went to a Daughter Dad work day for the first day.  She has always been close to her Dad and he can do no wrong in her eyes.  Definitely a daddy's little girl

Firedrake has been playing the since she was 6 and won several Superior awards over the years.  It is something I hope she continues

Trying out Fencing which was a sport her Dad did in college

Becoming involved in anime and comic cons.  This is her first costume that she put together

Becoming more socially aware and participating in activities that mean something to her

becoming a driver last year and we gone 9 months with no accidents or tickets, whew:)

Every year for her Birthday she chooses a restaurant of her choice.  This year she wanted to go to the melting pot for her 18th birthday!  
It was so hard to choose pictures but I tried to find ones that represented her spirit as she grew up.  I can't believe she is heading off to college in less than 9 months!  We have come a long way.  She wants to pursue Creative writing, psychology and possibly Asian studies in college.  


Mom, dad and MarioFan will always love you and support you in everything you to do.

Friday 17 January 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 1/17/20-- School resumes for the second semester

Firedrake returns to community college next week and has decided to take College algebra and Sociology as her semester classes.  These are her last two classes in order to graduate from High school.  She has finally picked her college of choice and she earn a nice scholarship to help with some of the costs.  We are going to head out there for a new student orientation in February.

MarioFan has resumed his school and we are slowly finding our groove again.

We are starting a new video series for our Music appreciation class.  We also have several symphonies performances to attend to this semester.

For Literature we have begun reading this book which work out perfectly for our History as we are also in the lead up to the Civil War.

For Biology we are continuing with book 5 (we are almost done)

We have begun CC US history unit 5--I was fortunate to download this program before it was removed from the site.  We are using it as a base but I supplement quite a bit to it.

We are plugging along as we get back into the groove of school and all our extra activities.  Soon I will be posting a mid term update which I do every year to see if we are on target with our work.  The last 2 years to my surprise we were, but that doesn't always happen.  We will see how we are doing this year soon.