
Friday 19 April 2019

Weekly Wrap Up 4/19/19--I love you Dad

The last 8 months has been full of ups and downs.  I have not mentioned any of it on my blog because it was a painful process.  My Father was diagnosed with Lung cancer in Sept/Oct of last year.  We were told that with no treatment he would have about 18 months but with aggressive treatment he could live for another 3-5 years.  He chose to fight Cancer and underwent radiation and Chemotherapy treatments.  They were very difficult for him to undergo.

My husband, kids and I spent Christmas with Mom and Dad.  He was looking good and feeling strong.
The treatments were hard but he was a fighter

This will probably always be my favorite picture of my parents.
I got in a few family photos before we left with promises that I would be back out for Spring break as he entered into his third course of treatment -- Immunology.  We all had high hope that things were going well.

About 2 days before I was scheduled to return to my Mom and Dad for Spring break I got a frantic call to come home sooner.  I spent the next three weeks with my Mom in what can only be described as medical hell.  I won't go into the entire story but it was weeks of up and downs and eventually my father's death.

My mother and I did shifts to make sure one of us was with every minute of the day and night.  My dad found much comfort in holding our hands.  

On April 1, 2019 at 1:55 am (eastern time) my Father passed away in what can only be describe as a horrific death, due to his inability to breath.   I am glad I was there and got to say good bye but the memories of his last few hours will haunt me forever.  

My dad join the Navy and served in Vietnam.  He served on the battleship Ticonderoga and was there during the battle of Tonkin 

Advanced his way up to E9 Master Chief

My Mom and Dad enjoyed visiting Scotland (where my Mother is from)and went back to see family and tour every few years.   My Dad wanted to be cremated and once my Mother is gone both of them wish to be returned to Scotland together for the last time.  I have promised them that this will be done.

The last professional photo taken of my parents in 2017 before his cancer diagnosis while they were visiting my family in Mo.
The second hardest day of my life was leaving my Mother behind in an empty house and returning home to my family.
My Mother will be coming out to visit us very soon but first needs to get some things accomplished.  My husband will be flying out there to help her.  Lots of decisions need to be made and we are doing are best to help and support my Mother during this time. 

I am still wrapping my head around the last few months and the chaos that happened.  My father only lived 8 months after getting a Cancer diagnosis which is way shorter than the predicted 18 months to 3 years the doctors predicted.  It went so fast and it was so horrible to witness that I am still reeling from the experience.  

REST IN PEACE DAD and know that you are loved and missed every single day by your family.


Friday 12 April 2019

Weekly Wrap Up 4/12/19--Spring Piano recitals

I have not been blogging much as there has been a lot going on in my family's life at the moment.  Once things settle and I can breath again I might finally be able to write about it.

So for now I am just posting my kids piano recitals that they just finished participating in this past weekend.  Enjoy!

Both kids played 2 piano pieces each show casing a different mood of music

Firedrake played Exit by Ludovicion Einaudi

Inizio by Ludocicion Einaudi

MarioFan played Waterland (Mario) by Koji Kondo

Sonatina. in C by Frank Lynes